Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sing a Smile upon Your Father's Face: Psalm98 1-6

When I was growing up I loved being read to. I can remember at night my mom sitting in the hallway, my siblings doors and mine ajar, and she would read. We listed to The Chronicles of Narnia, Barenstine Bears, The Boxcar Children, and many other memorable stories that lulled us to sleep each night. Her calm and caring voice along with adventurous tails made such a sweet memory in my childhood I wanted to do the same for my son. I brought Winnie the Poo to the hospital when he was born and started reading to Shane from the first day.

These days Shane likes to sit for about 10-15 minutes with board books. Anything paper gets destroyed but thick sturdy pages allow for him to examine the pages and turn them with all his toddler hood strength. A favorite these days is Moo, Baa, LaLaLa by Sandra Boytnton. We read this book daily and Shane, though not saying much aside from "mama" and "dada", can mimic the singing pigs saying "la, la, la." I love to read with Shane and I love hearing him make his first tangible sounds.

Shane spends moments reading but hours practising the connections from books to the world around him. He points to lights until we name them, trees, cars, and dogs. He strolls around the house in his unsteady steps, arms tucked behind him like a butler, singing at the top of his lungs the only sound he can make "la, la, la." Shane does not notice us around but belts it out with pride. "La, la, la."

This past week Shane noticed that when he would sing his three little notes his Dad would smile. My, husband, Brian, loves how Shane will be a loud boy who cares nothing of what others think when he sings and it brings an instant smile to both their faces. As soon as Brian wakes up Shane will climb the stairs, swing open our bedroom door, walk to the bed and in his loudest voice belt out "la, la, la" until he gets the desired smile from his father.

Not every person would find this noise beautiful. Some may think it is cute. Some may thing it is a tad annoying but to Brian and I  it is a beautiful noise. Our son knows it delights us to hear him sing so whenever he can, he will sing for us to bring a smile to our faces. It delights Shane to delight us and makes our whole home filled with a joyful sound.

I learn so much about my Heavenly Father from watching my son with his earthly Father. I see that it is not so much the song I sing but the desire to bring God joy with my every being that pleases Him. I want to daily make a joyful noise unto God. I can picture my heavenly Father looking down on me with a big smile because I sought Him out and without caring what anyone thinks I belted out my own "la,la,la" song just because I wanted to see Him smile.

Scripture to Ponder: Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with harp, with harp and the shouts of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn-shout for joy before the Lord, the King. Psalm 98: 1-6.

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